Elephant Ear Marshmallows from 240Sweet

Posted: May 24, 2012 in Product Review
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Product Information:

Saigon cinnamon and granulated sugar coat a Very Vanilla Bean puff.

Learn more about 240Sweet on their website.

Tea Suggestion:

I love the combination of cinnamon and chocolate, so I couldn’t resist brewing some of this Organic Chocolate “O” from The Tea Spot to sip with these marshmallows.  It was a perfect choice.  The tea is rich and chocolate-y, and the Saigon cinnamon gave this treat a perfectly warm, spicy taste that contrasted with the sweet of the marshmallow and the tea so nicely.  YUM!

What I Think:

240Sweet has quickly become my favorite source for handcrafted marshmallows.  Why?  Because they have such an amazing assortment of flavors, and every marshmallow that I’ve tried from them thus far has been so remarkably fresh and fluffy and absolutely delicious!

Their Elephant Ear Marshmallows – at first glance – appear to be nothing more than vanilla marshmallows dredged in cinnamon and sugar.  But the chefs at 240Sweet chose to use Saigon Cinnamon, so the cinnamon flavor is strong and adds a zesty warmth to the puff.  What I really like, though, is how the cinnamon offers a nice contrast to the sweetness of the puff… making these so irresistible!

My Final Thoughts:

YUM!  I’ve tried a few of the marshmallow offerings from 240Sweet and I think that these are my favorites so far.  The contrast between spicy and sweet is absolutely amazing.

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