Maple Almond Butter from Justin’s

Posted: August 31, 2011 in Product Review
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Where to Buy:  Justin’s Online or in select stores

Price:  $9.95 for a 16-oz jar

Product Description:

People always ask me, what’s your favorite flavor?  And I think they expect me to give some P.C. answer that I love them all the same, but I don’t because that would be stupid.  Nuts can’t read, so whose feelings am I going to hurt?  You’re holding what I consider to be the most perfect tasting nut butter on the planet, and I’m not afraid to say it.

What I Think:

I was thinking of starting this review with something like “this is the best nut butter from Justin’s that I’ve tasted yet.”  But that is just a little precocious, since I have only tried two nut butters from Justin’s … including this one.  I still have two other samples to try from them.

But what I will say is that this is totally AWESOME!   Like, that eye-opening, Oh-My-Gosh what have I been missing kind of awesome!

Like my previous taste testing with the peanut butter from Justin’s, I chose to try this with a piece of toasted 8-grain bread and apple slices.  The consistency is as smooth as the peanut butter, and I needed to kneed the package of almond butter the same way I did the peanut butter, but that is about where the similarities end.

This Maple Almond Butter tastes richer and sweeter than the peanut butter.  It coats the palate with a delicious nutty, maple-y taste.  It feels thick, creamy and smooth.  There is a pleasing contrast between salty and sweet.  The flavor of the almond is very distinct, as is the sweet maple, and together these two flavors create the most amazing, delicious nut butter I’ve ever tasted.

My Final Thoughts:

Oh. My. Goodness.  I need a jar of this!   I love it.

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